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That made no sense whatsoever. Skywarp was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a suicide bomber. So why would Megatron give such a risky order? He already had Optimus cornered, and the bomb easily could have killed everybody in that room. Soundwave had combed through the ship’s database looking for whatever information he could find on the Quintessons, but there was virtually nothing. It was as though somebody had erased much of the data. All signs pointed to them as somehow being the instigators behind all this, but there was precious little hard evidence to support that theory. Had Skywarp turned traitor? Or been under their control the whole time? The immediate problem was how to rescue Megatron, of course, but now there was a second challenge behind that one, for Soundwave intended to unravel the mystery of just what had set this lethal chain of events in motion. And if it turned out he couldn’t save Megatron, Soundwave knew what his duty demanded.

Vengeance on everybody involved.

热度: 18
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